Wednesday, 30 November 2016

Smoking Jacket – Timeless and traditional!

When it comes to a fashion statement, modern day men are as conscious as their counterpart. There is no denying the fact that how you present yourself matters a lot today than ever before. Jackets have always been a huge hit among men. And, with smoking jackets making a comeback in the market, it seems to be a new trend to have one in wardrobe. Although these jackets vanished from the market for a long time, however, their latest and transformed version has made them popular once again.
Timeless, elegant and traditional are the words synonymous with smoking jacket. Their distinct characteristics which symbolize a dressing gown with the only exception being that it is the hip or mid-thigh length and cut far shorter make it a perfect choice for a relaxing day at home. It features a belt or sash that is tied in a fashion similar to that of a robe. It is designed and stitched in such a way that it flows against your body instead of sitting the way a blazer would.
The above-mentioned description best defines the smoking jacket worn by men in 1950s. Things, however, have changed with the passage of time. And, to offer contemporary men design and pattern which best suit their personality, fashion designers have come up with a transformed version of traditional smoking jackets which can be worn as tuxedo as well. As a matter of fact, you will come across several online websites offering a wide collection of these jackets. Many online manufacturers offer customized jacket as well so that you can get the one as per your preference, style and personality.

The material that you choose for smoking jacketsmoking jacketscan make a world of difference to its final result. Silk and velvet have been the two most popular and common materials used for manufacturing these jackets. However, keeping pace with changing times, and to offer men a much wider range of colors, manufacturers now offer colors such as jacquard silk, flannel, cotton, plush, cashmere, linen, polyester and velveteen among others. 

Along with the variety of fabric, you can also choose the color of your choice. Besides navy blue, black, burgundy or wine and olive or dark green, you can get a smoking jacket customized in red, purple, grey, royal blue, mustard yellow and brown. Stick to classic colors and patterns when wearing a smoking jacket to flaunt style at the best